Sunday, September 07, 2003


This morning L.'s fever had broken and she was feeling more like herself. We celebrated with mugs of hot lemon and honey. It's citrus sweetness adding to my sense of well being at sharing a quiet morning and a celebration of life with a person who has re-affirmed my faith in both love and humanity.

The gym beckoned and I worked out for about an hour before returning to L.'s tender embrace and eventually our first coffee of the day.

This afternoon I helped J. clean up our appartment. It was a pleasure to perform simple house keeping when the sky was wide and clear and the sun felt so warm.

With my duties discharged I sat on my bed and communed with my domicile and thoughts.

It doesn't take much to reconnect with life. The hard work has been accomplished. I have stripped away layers of avoidance and dependence. I am not fearful.

I am an indvidual.

Not the kind that seeks differentiation in the trappings of the global marketing engine. Difference through inevitable conformance. No, I am one who is individuated by my decision to say "no more". Not just one, but at one.

Spring is a time of renewal. This springtime my emergence is complete. I am new. This life has begun.

I am free.

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