Tuesday, September 09, 2003

Dawkins vs Buddha

The central question in my mind is this:

Self - ish or less?

The selfish will point to the works of Dawkins as all the justification they need: greed is biological, it is a part of us ergo it is beyond our control.

The selfless will offer the works of the Buddha: The Dharma and the Sangha.

The trouble with any belief system (Science or Religion) is that rigid interpretation leads to further problems. The science of eugenics underpinned the philosopy of the Nazis. Religion has killed more people throughout history than has pestilence.

The selfish point to greed being the primary driver of progress.

I contest that. I say that greed-as-a-motivator is a paradigm that has had it's day. It is no longer useful. It breeds pain and unhappiness, not just in the have-nots, but in the haves too.

We are at a point in human development where our mental and spiritual health needs addressing.

If there were some physiological blight on our species -- something tangible -- we would mobilise whole armies of researchers to find a cure.

Where is the army?

It is the community of indivduals that we call Humanity.

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