Sunday, September 14, 2003


Maybe it's the time of year. Maybe it's synchronicity.

This morning I checked my email to discover missives from two of my dearest friends. I had not heard from them in a long while. Their words warmed my heart.

Both have journeyed far and like all of us (myself included), they have a journey ahead.

MB wrote:

"I’ve learned, ... that life's
what you make it and it’s easy to become stuck in a place and plod on
with life, seemingly stoic to what’s going on. You can see this when
you come back to England. People don’t express any happiness here.

JH wrote:

"I miss you old friend and I want to keep in touch properly. I would like to
share the highs and lows of my life with the highs and lows of your life

Guys, thank you for your friendship. You are two of the most truly humans it has been my privilelge to know. I look forward to re-establishing communication with two noble souls.

Your deeply moved friend,

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