Sunday, November 30, 2003

Is this a sane society?

BBC NEWS | Americas | Woman crushed in rush at DVD sale: "Ms Ellzey said some shoppers had tried to help her sister, and one employee helped rescue the woman, but most people just continued their rush for deals.
'All they cared about was a stupid DVD player,' she said.
'I told them, 'Stop stepping on my sister! She's on the ground!''
Ms Ellzey said Wal-Mart officials called later to ask after her sister, and the store apologised and offered to put a DVD player on hold for her.
Wal-Mart Stores spokeswoman Karen Burk said she had never heard of a such a melee during a sale.
'We are very disappointed this happened,' she said. 'We want her to come back as a shopper.' "

Those of us that live outside of the United States will smile glibly and say something like "Only in America."

That is a comforting thought. Something like this incident could never happen in our society. But if we are honest with ourselves, we know it can happen, has happened, here.

When the stampede for material possession blinds us to wellbeing of those around us (or under our feet) can we honestly say that we live in a sane society?

We smile and laugh at "those crazy Americans" because, deep in the dark corners of our own psyches, lies the beast.

Like domesticated cattle to the alter of consumerism we are lead by the power of the free market.

There is nothing free about financial capitalism. It's own master and it's own slave. Power is a substitute for a fulfilling, productive, individuated life.

Dilate your mind.

Bush plans new nuclear weapons

The Observer | International | Bush plans new nuclear weapons: "'Why are they even talking about this now, unless something is planned? It makes no sense to us. America has the largest nuclear arsenal in the world, but it did not stop 9/11,' "

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

The enemy within

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | America's enemy within

Who was it that said that a society is only 3 meals away from revolution was partially right.

As the masses lead their self-absorbed lives, the power hungry are in a feeding frenzy. They manipulate our perceptions through mass media, they suppress the freedom to think and to speak by using those institutions intended to protect us.

We pull the warm, comforting blanket of reality TV and designer labels over our faces and fail to hear the alarm call of economic fascism on the march.

Wake up and re-take your freedom.

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

I don't want your Freedom

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | US pays up for fatal Iraq blunders

I read this article and tears filled my eyes.

What price freedom?

When is one person's security worth the death of innocents?

US Dollars to waive one's right to justice.

Like a cash rich bully, the US Administration can force its will with ham-fisted ignorance.

As a British Citizen, I am not without fault. My government is guilty by association.

We don't change things because we don't want to face the facts. That we live a brutally selfish age and we are all culpable. Ignorance is no defense. Avoidance makes murders of every one of us.

A USD400 Billion defense budget with provision for the development of deployable tactical nuclear weapons ("Bunker busters") that can be targeted against "Terrorists and Weapons of Mass Destruction".

One administration's terrorist is another economic migrant's freedom fighter.

Six million Jews died because a protectionist world closed it's eyes.

How many will die this time?

I don't want your Freedom, I want our freedom.

Freedom for all.

Monday, November 24, 2003

Who fears?

BBC NEWS | Americas | Bush approves $400bn defence bill: "Mr Bush said the US faced enemies who measured progress by chaos, fear and death"

With a defense budget more than twice that of the combined totals of Russia, China, Japan and the UK, who is the most fearful?

Monday, November 17, 2003

ZDNet UK - News - 'Secret' RFID test draws consumer ire

ZDNet UK - News - 'Secret' RFID test draws consumer ire

Just when I have been struggling with the sticky problem of whether society has a right/duty to shape an idividuals perception in order to bring about a more human society, this story emerges.

Anyone who reads this will article will feel used. Yet, we are bombarded with upto 2,500 indivdual marketing messages every day of our lives. We have been sold the paradigm that it is ok to have marketing/advertising subliminally shape our buying decisions while simultaneously holding an abject fear of propoganda and other "mind-altering" techniques.

Perception is reality.

Reclaim your reality.

A Selfless Act of Giving

I left the office at 17:30. The sky was an angry grey and the pavement was already wet, but I decided to risk the inevitable down pour in order to sample the pure delight of taking the ferry across the harbour.

As I reached Milsons Point, the fine droplets turned into a down pour. I stood on the wharf, wearing just jeans and a shirt, not eschewing the wetness, but welcoming it, a reminder of the now.

Around me were 4 individuals with umbrella, all trying hard not to make eye contact with me. I smiled at the sensation of the rain, soaking my shirt and caressing my face.

Just then, one of the umbrella bearing women beckoned to me to share her shelter. We stood there, for 5 minutes before the boat tied up at the wharf and we boarded.

I took the moment to thank her for her generosity and she disappeared into the crowd of passengers.

Whoever you are -- Namaste

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Thought for the Day

Power is an exchange of perceptions based on mutually negative self-images.

When both parties in a social exchange have a positive self-image, there is no need to seek solace in dominant or submissive behavior.

We are no better or worse, no stronger or weaker.

We just are.

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Perception meets Freedom of Speech

News: "American officials want a distance kept between Mr Bush and protesters, for security reasons and to prevent their appearance in the same television shots."

This is the tactic used in the US by the Bush Administration to spin the perception that no-one descents with the president. If you don't see protesters in shot with the president, then (obviously) there no dis-agreement with his policies.

All speech is equal, just that some speech is more equal than others...

Sunday, November 09, 2003

Live by perception, die by perception

BBC NEWS | Americas | McDonald's anger over McJob entry

McDonald's unhappy about an entry that alludes to the prospect of an employee working in one of their franchises.

A dictionary reflects the living language. If "McJob" is "an inaccurate description of restaurant employment" then perhaps the language that spawned it is somehow misguided.

But McDonalds, like all public listed companies, are driven by their share holders to return greater value year-on-year. Profit is no longer enough. Growth is all that matters. When that happens, marketing is required -- to sell the dream, to sell the simulacrum of some reality.

"Perception is reality."

Hello Ronald, welcome to the flipside.

Microsoft unwilling to budge on one-price policy

ZDNet UK - News: "'When governments and companies move away from the emotional debate around open source and look at the business value, most will choose to go with a commercial solution,'"

The arrogance of entrenched power.

These governments are not making emotional decisions. Nor are they making purely commercial ones.

They are servicing their constituents needs in the most cost-effective manner possible.

It's just that doesn't play into the hands of a monopolist. Eastern thinking eschews Western capitalist thinking.

Thursday, November 06, 2003


BBC NEWS | Americas | Jessica Lynch 'raped' in Iraq

Despite the sensational claim of the headline, it contains something that didn't rate so highly:

"in an Iraqi hospital, she [Jessica] said local doctors treated her despite a scarcity of drugs and threats from Saddam Hussein's fedayeen henchmen.
She also said she remembers an Iraqi nurse singing to her.
'It was a pretty song and I [could] sleep,'"

No matter how elements of society try to demonise those of another tribe, compassion is a truly human quality.

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

Wanted by Microsoft: Virus writers


This is a case of throwing money at the wrong end of the problem. Arrest one virus writer and more sophisticated ones will take their place. The virtual world is a battle field for those who see Microsoft's dominion as an extension of US colonialism into the digital realm.

Eastern thinking would dictate continuous improvement of the article (in this case Windows) towards perfection. Microsoft favors a Western perspective: Use personal greed to relieve the symptom.

The time for a change in paradigm gets ever closer.

Monday, November 03, 2003


BBC NEWS | Entertainment | US downloads beat CD sales: "Any way we can drive a consumer to purchase music as opposed to taking music is a win for the industry"

Don't tell me...

BBC NEWS | Business | N Korea economy 'faces collapse'

The capitalist will be crowing: Once again the system of is proved to be superior.

The facts however are obfuscated.

Superior in this case only means dominant.

There is no communism practiced in North Korea. It is a totalitarian regime and the two terms are not synonymous.

There has never been a large scale exercise of communitarian socialism.

Until we as a species are ready to forego our fear of change, we will not have a chance to taste the possibilities that come with a paradigm shift.

Or do we really want a global disaster to restore balance? Are we that incapable of managing ourselves?

Force and its consequences

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Spectre of Vietnam looms over Iraq