Tuesday, September 09, 2003


The power of the nation state is a falacy.

Democracy is the opiate bestowed upon the populace by the anonymous forces of power.

The opressed feel their only recourse to the injustices imposed upon them by the anonymous power is violence.

Yet they own the means of consumption. This is the tool that can bring change, as was shown in India's case.

We know this.

What we are unwilling to acknowledge is that the changes we all subconsciously yearn starts within us. We cannot ask, nor apathetically expect, a government to make those changes. Government is but a reflection of the gestalt psychology of its constituents.

somewhere between ruggedly individualism of western thinking and the community-first based eastern thinking, there is a space that will free the full potential of the human spirit for all.

But that shift in thinking takes a commitment from all of us -- We get the government we deserve.

All of us deserve better, but that will not come unless we are prepared to confront ourselves, to make the effort to become free individuals. Not free from actual and metaphorical shackles, but free to be ourselves. When each one of can do that, we will have a truly human society.

The choice belongs with each one of us.

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