Friday, March 26, 2004

This is one paradigm... - Views - Straight Talk - Property Rights Form Foundation of Freedom

There are of course others -- some actually acknowledge the existance of other people as individuals with rights of their own.

Thursday, March 25, 2004

Wages of selfishness - Your World w/ Neil Cavuto - Common Sense - Wages of Fear: "Some people love nothing more than having you wallow in the misery that is their lives. We should do better with our lives."

Or perhaps help them to climb out of their misery?

What If... - Your World w/ Neil Cavuto - Common Sense - What If...

Now that is a truly terrifying prospect -- a world that does not care about another's point of view.

What if...

Individuals became so obsessed with their own desires to consume that they didn't care about their own ethical poverty?

One side of the story

Aljazeera.Net - Israel 'fabricated' child-bomber story